Humnirnar Wiki

After the Council of the Ministers in Plancy, the Magnus, in fear of having his church further divided by internal struggle decided to call both the Cartegan and Celasian monarchs to the city of Tordesillas in Lygeia, where they agree on an equal separation of the continent of Godwanna, and all future discoveries across the world, between the two countries.

The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1287 divides the world in two with a vertical line, that passes from the western-most tip of the Cartegan. Cartagen is to keep complete command of the mineral-rich western part of Godwanna, while Celase the spice-rich eastern part.

Since then both countries endeavour to keep their antagonists out of their territory with any means possible, and are especially hostile towards sailors from non-Cognitarian countries. The fact though that the place of the line defined by a point in Cartagen, and since, due to inaccuracies in the calculation of longitude, maps of Godwanna do not perfectly agree, there is a relativelly wide grey zone, that both countries avoid between their respective territories. Plancy has taken advantage of the fact, establishing four small cities in the area, mainly for slave trading.
