Humnirnar Wiki


"The Stars are the Keys, that Reaveal the Ways of the Seas"

The Royal Society was formed by the Crown of Lothian in 1320. It is a Society of scientists of all kinds, that operate under the protection of the Crown.

The Society attracts members from all over the world, and has already established three universities in Lothian, and one is planned for Falkirk, in Ygdree.

Membership allows a scientist to easily contact the other members and offers great oppurtinities for financing expeditions and research.

Political involvement[]

Far from being a purely scientific organisation the Society has a strong political agenda. Most of its members are members of the Parliament or high ranking foreign officials. Many members command survey ships, that can are often known to support the Lothian Navy. The most recent example of political manipulation through the Society was King Charles' sponsoring of the Royal Society, in an attempt to earn the support of its noble members against hte Parliamentarians, a move that helped him avoid a civil war in Ygdree. (see the history of Lothian and Ygdree for more information).
